
I’ve lost equilibrium

I’m gradually disintegrating

Descending from this fragile crust

I’ve crash landed on the concrete floor

My words are bleeding

My hands are numb

I’m burning the midnight candle

Just to survive through this day

Hallucination or reality

I see the dark clouds dissipate

Bluebird, are you heading this way?

Can you see?

I’m stretching my arms for you

If you could listen carefully

My words will syncopate to the rhythm of your heart beat

And bring you close to me

I’m perpetually yearning for the dawn

When this blazing light shall overcome this vandalism

By law of pure potentiality,

My faith echoes for your homecoming

Where are you my bluebird?

It’s been another day,

My mind is locked in existential ennui

Behind high ramparts

That I’m unable to break

I’m starving for a slight glimpse of your shadow again

Will you head this way?

Or depart from my mind towards an unknown direction,

Leaving me hopelessly in pain

Will you take me home?

To your world,

Where the storms are gone and skies are blue

My tears shall rinse all my scars away

When you’ll find me

And I’ll find you

– Shubhangi Rawat

70 thoughts on “Bluebird

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  1. Such a haunting and captivating prayer of hope in metaphor. The whispered rhythm of a wish holding the pain of longing for better days. Laced with sharp images and nuanced language it holds rich detail in every line. Well written Shubhi!

    Liked by 8 people

  2. SkY FAll
    SkY RIse
    LoVE Dances
    LoVE Sings
    All That’s
    Real NoW
    LoVE Rises
    More Airport
    OPen Next Flight YourS
    JusT ANoTHeR Door OPen
    i You We Us Them All
    They BReaTHE RiSE
    THoRNS FLoWeRinG
    Love Ease
    Breathing SMiLes
    ToGeTHeR Hand IN Free🌲

    Liked by 4 people

  3. This was my first time reading one of your poems. I really love the way that you write – your characters yearning could be felt in every lie. To me, this poem was an ambiguous one, even if it wasn’t intended to be. I could feel my own perspective reflected in the poem in an abstract way.

    Liked by 3 people

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