Madam, I pen down my words from the depths of my intrusive thoughts, and here I'm confronted at the front by this propelling question; Whether am I driven by logic or by desires? The truth of my existence does not lie in finding answers that propagates from stems of crucial situations that I have survived... Continue Reading →

To my confidant, Ever since I'm in abyss with my thoughts, I've conceded this fact that I'm anonymous to many and familiar with none. I've been on hiatus for a while. Sometimes, I'm not able to retrieve the exact impression of you but I'm quite tenacious to your distant apparition, and these memories that I'm... Continue Reading →

To my alter true self, Just like you I'm a vagabond, unaware of my destination. I'm in a journey with myself and somewhere in between where I rest, I take a fancy stroll; completely unheeded by my surroundings. I spend some quality time here thinking that one day, I'll be able to accept them. I... Continue Reading →

Sir, Finally, I can answer you, at least with the staggering thoughts in my head and the feeling in my heart that somewhere you can hear me. So far I have discovered some portions of the human mind and it is profoundly disturbing. I've met many people and listened to their stories. I have seen... Continue Reading →

Hey there! This letter is specially for you so please read it till the end. Wherever you're and whatever you're doing just take a halt for a minute and smile. You've made through another year with grace and I'm so proud of you. I know this year might be astonishing for you in many ways... Continue Reading →

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